В виртуальной библиотеке (Virtual Library) Международного института гражданских инженеров (Institution of Civil Engineers, London, UK) размещены новые выпуски научных сборников "Geotechnical Research" и "Environmental Geotechnics".

ICE Virtual Library

Для общего бесплатного пользования доступны "Geotechnical Research" Volume 2 (2015), Issue 1-3, pp.1-134 и "Environmental Geotechnics" Volume 2 (2015), Issue 1-6, pp.1-381.

"Geotechnical Research" "Environmental Geotechnics"

Также для скачивания текстов доступны новые выпуски геотехнических научных сборников "Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Geotechnical Engineering" Volume 168 (2015), Issue 1-6, pp.1-562; "Géotechnique" Volume 65 (2015), Issue 1-12, pp.1-1038; "Géotechnique Letters" Volume 5 (2015), Issue 1-4, pp.1-323; "Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Ground Improvement" Volume 168 (2015), Issue 1-6, pp.1-311; "International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics" Volume 15 (2015), Issue 1-4, pp.1-228.

"Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Geotechnical Engineering"  "Géotechnique" "Géotechnique Letters" "Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Ground Improvement" "International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics"

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